


We help developersyou write clean code

Measure Code Quality Decrease Technical Debt Find Refactoring Opportunities

Supported platforms

We are continuously working on supporting more platforms and languages. Tell us what platform do you use:

How it works

Connect your Git repository

Setup CodeFlow to track every code change in your source control. It will take you only a few seconds.

Save time on code reviews

Automatically identify new static analysis issues, code duplications and cyclomatic complexity evolution in every commit.

Track your project quality

Track your code quality over time. Our report gives you needed answers.

CodeFlow Dashboard


We already found 32 299 514 issues in the code.

Analyze pull requests

No installation required

Project statistics

Code duplicity detection

Fully configurable

Detailed reports

Loved by developers

Join developers who trust CodeFlow to improve the quality of their code.

AstrumQ Interactive s.r.o.
RehiveTech, spol. s r.o.
ApeSight s.r.o.

Supported by companies

Join the following awesome companies to spread our good cause.

Grow with Google
Impact HUB
Chytrá Myšlenka MSK

The project is supported by "Chytrá Myšlenka MSK" program, implemented by the Hub for Change and financially supported by the Moravian-Silesian Region.